Attention Small Business Owners...
Screw the Recession!
While most Small Business owners are struggling in recent times and losing business, we INCREASED our business revenue by 237% (in the last year)...
...Because we understand how to harness the power of the internet to make our business grow, while others are letting their businesses slowly DIE.
Discover Step-by-Step How to DOUBLE Your Small Business' Revenue by Using 11 Secrets that Your Competitors DON'T KNOW about the Power of the Internet to Attract a Stampede of New Customers to Your Business
On this page, we're going to show you how to absolutely DOMINATE your competitors for website traffic in your small business...
Google, Yahoo, MSN, Facebook, Myspace, Craigslist, Ebay, Youtube, and more...
We'll show you how to tap into the massive traffic these sites get to double (or even triple) the exposure for your small business! And yes, even if you just have a local "service + city" type of business... you can use all of these major websites to gain tons of new customers.
by Michael Geary & Gary Nealon -- Internet Marketing Expert Consultants
Dear Business Owner,
Between Gary and I, we are responsible for producing over 8,000,000 visitors/month (yes, that's 8 MILLION) to just 4 of our websites. So yes... we know a thing or two about how to generate website traffic! And we're going to share some of those secrets with you on this website today.
It doesn't matter what industry your small business is in... we'll show you how to apply some of these extremely powerful web marketing traffic strategies to YOUR BUSINESS.
If you haven't been paying attention to the trends in the small business world lately, let me show you 3 important FACTS that you need to know as a business owner:
1. Phone Books (Yellow Pages) are DEAD!
Your customers are no longer searching for your business in phone books... they're searching ONLINE! Phone books are for the stone ages... Almost everyone searches for what they are looking for on the internet these days.
Think about what services or products that you sell that your prospects are searching for online... Now do a search for that in your geographic area of business... Is your business showing up right at the top of the search engine listings? Does it show up at all on the page?
Did you know that there are internet marketing techniques you can use to have your business show up in MULTIPLE locations on that search page for your relevant keywords? We'll explain how in a minute.
2. Newspapers are DYING
Although newspapers can still be a viable method of advertising your small business, it doesn't take a rocket-scientist to know that newspaper readership has been dying for years now. The truth is that the majority of people are simply going to online news sites to read their daily news these days.
That's bad news for the small business owner like yourself who may have relied on newspaper ads to attract new customers...
But, that's GOOD NEWS if you understand how to get your business in front of those readers that are now flocking to the online news websites!
And guess what... hardly any of your competitors know how to do this... but, we'll show you that it's actually quite easy if you use a few of our online advertising secrets.
This goes beyond local! As a matter of fact, we'll even show you an "underground" advertising method that you can use to get ads on MAJOR news sites like and for mere pennies per visitor to your site (and target those ads to only people in your geographic area!).
Forget about buying an ad in a physical newspaper ever again... This is SO MUCH easier, and cheaper!
3. Nobody Watches TV Commercials Anymore
This is yet another advertising method that has been quickly diminishing in power recently. With the invention of Tivo's combined with ever-reducing attention spans in recent years while "channel surfing", TV ads are simply NOT getting the job done for most small businesses anymore.
Television ads are too expensive and almost nobody is paying attention to TV commercials these days. They just use the remote control and click to the next channel when a commercial comes on.
However, where are people spending increasing amounts of their time these days? ONLINE!
And that's where you'll attract hordes of new customers to your business for mere pennies in advertising costs in some cases (and even for ZERO advertising costs with some of our methods).
You're going to be blown away when we show you how easy some of these online marketing tactics really are!
Could Your Business Go... Bankrupt?!
Your Small Business Will be Left in the Dust in These New Times...
IF You Don't Understand How to Use the Internet Correctly for Getting Massive Exposure to Your Business and Beating Your Competitors
So how can we help you to figure out this side of your business?
Well, Gary and I could just have kept on going in our own businesses dominating web traffic while we keep all of these web marketing secrets to ourselves. However, we also realized that there are so many different types of businesses out there, that helping other business owners like yourself to explode your web traffic wouldn't really hurt us because it's very unlikely that you'll be competing in our niches.
We also believe in living with an abundance mentality, and that by helping you improve your business, we will bring more success to ourselves.
And lastly, we also know that it's a good business opportunity in itself for us to help people like you to build and grow your business and achieve higher levels of success.
So here's what we've done for you:
To be quite honest, our schedules are WAY too jammed managing our current businesses to take on new one-on-one clients for web marketing consulting. Plus, our rates are $650/hour for consulting, and we know that several hours per week of consulting at that rate may be cost-prohibitive for some business owners.
So what we decided to do was compile all of our unique internet marketing techniques... powerful strategies that have taken us over 5 years to learn and develop fully... and give YOU all of these extremely effective methods in an easy-to-follow step-by-step online course.
This way, you can access the course quickly, devour all of the secret web marketing information that we'll show you, and start implementing these techniques immediately... And then watch your business explode as you tap into sources of new customers that you never knew existed.
We've called this brand new course:
Internet Marketing Power Strategies for the Small Business Owner:
Drive Loads of New Customers to Your Small Business with These Advanced Web Marketing Techniques
Before I show you all of the "underground" web marketing techniques that you'll discover in this course... you're probably sitting there wondering if we are actually credible and "walk the walk" in terms of actually generating the amounts of website traffic that we have been talking about.
I know that the only way to overcome this doubt that you may be feeling is to show you actual proof of some of the website traffic numbers that we generate and some of the daily revenue that we generate from our websites.
Screenshot Proof of Traffic Levels for One of Our Websites:
As you can see, this is just 1 of our websites, and that website alone generated 3,718,394 visitors in only a 1-month time frame . All totaled, Gary and I own about 12 different websites, and between just our top 4 websites, we generate a staggering 8,000,000 visitors/month !
I will concede that this website that generated 3.7 million visitors in one month is an international business of ours, so our potential market is pretty large... However, the techniques that we teach you in this course can be applied to local businesses as well, and can help you to get insane traffic levels even just in your local area. We show you exactly how to do this in the course.
What does 3,718,394 website visitors in one month look like?
Sometimes web traffic numbers get thrown around without really thinking about what these numbers mean. Let's think about this for a second... over 3.7 Million visitors to just 1 of our websites in just 1 month!
...that’s 123,946 unique visitors/day or 5,164 visitors/hour. The amount of visitors to this one website of ours each and every day would fill about 5 major league baseball stadiums. And that's 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! In a year, we can get over 45 million unique visitors to our website… that’s a lot of filled baseball stadiums!
Can you imagine 5 baseball stadiums worth of people getting direct exposure with your business in just 1 day?!
I know that may not even be applicable to your business if you simply own a local service-based business... However, I just wanted to prove the point that the internet is where the ACTION is at these days for getting big-time exposure for your business.
Please realize that I'm not presenting all of these web traffic numbers for our sites to brag... Rather, I’m trying to help you begin to see the massive power of the internet for growing your business and achieving financial freedom for you and your family.
Now that we've shown proof that we really do know how to generate HUGE traffic...
I'm sure you also need to see proof that our websites actually do produce significant revenue from all of this traffic (in the 7-figure range) so you know that we actually practice what we preach, and you can trust that you're in good hands with our course.
Screenshot Proof of Daily Revenue:
The screenshots below are from several of our account panels showing daily revenue from each account.
Account #1
Account #2
Account #3
Screenshot Proof of Annual Revenue:
And here are screenshots showing total annual paychecks we received for several of our merchant accounts from website revenue:
Account #1
Account #2
Account #3
Now that you can see for yourself that we really do practice what we preach in terms of generating monstrous traffic levels and website revenue... and that you are in good hands by learning the techniques in our small business website marketing course... I want to show you some of the killer strategies that you will discover in this program...
Below are 11 of the specific hidden gems you'll discover in this program that will help you to start getting loads of new customers to your website and explode your small business:
1. A Sneaky Way to Get Web Traffic from Your Local TV News Station's Website
Think about this for a second... It would cost you a small fortune to pay for a TV ad spot during a commercial on your local morning or evening news station. But what most business owners don't know is that you can get massive exposure from a large portion of those same viewers by getting traffic from that same TV news station's website back to your website.
It's actually quite easy to do, and we'll show you how to use this online advertising trick inside the course.
2. The nine specific Search Engine Optimization (SEO) steps that most business owners don't know
Our unique SEO methods will catapult your website right to the top of the Google, Yahoo and MSN search engine rankings... ahead of all of your competitors (if you follow our steps)!
Did you know that most business owners make at least 7 MAJOR mistakes on their websites that keep them from ranking in Google and other search engines. We'll show you the mistakes that your competitors are making and how to avoid those mistakes with your website.
3. How to get the elusive "double listings" for your website in the Google search engine rankings
"Double listings" in the search engines are where your website and a subpage of your website show up right next to each other as 2 listings in google... doubling your chances of getting that web traffic!
This is another technique that 99% of website owners are clueless about. We'll show you the simple steps you need to take to get some of these "double listings".
4. A unique secret for getting your website to show up 3-5 times on one single page of a search query!
This is another cool online marketing trick that almost nobody knows about how to get your website (or a site that links to your website) to show up 3, 4, or even 5 times or more (on the SAME PAGE!) for a given search engine query related to your business.
This is a killer technique that only the savviest of internet marketers know... but we'll show you the exact steps to take to dominate the searches like this.
5. Get extra exposure on the "Google Local" Business Listings
We'll show you how to get your site extra exposure on the Google "local listings" and set your business apart from your competitors. If you've ever done a search for a "service + city" type of business, you'll notice that a few select businesses will show up more prominently...
This is actually very simple to do, and explained in detail in the course.
6. Use Google to "Geotarget" your exact customers by city, state, or zip code
We'll show you in the course how to use a powerful feature to advertise in Google directly to your prospects in an exact city, state, or zip code.
This is a powerful way to specifically use Google to target people in your geographic area (but we'll also show you how to target nationally or even internationally if your business sells outside of your local area).
7. Tap into the Massive traffic of the new bohemoth of the web - FACEBOOK!
Don't worry... this doesn't involve spending hours every day trying to build new groups of friends on Facebook. To be honest, I don't even have a Facebook account for social networking... I only use the advertising feature in Facebook. You're going to be blown away when you see how powerful Facebook advertising can be!
Inside the course, you'll learn the incredibly powerful way to use Facebook traffic to drive massive amounts of customers (from your specific state, city, or zip code) to your website. This technique alone will be a huge breakthrough for your business!
Stop struggling to find customers with newspaper ads, radio ads, or walk-ins... your customers are almost ALL ON FACEBOOK!
In some countries, over 70% of the adult population has a Facebook account. In the US alone, there are almost 40 Million people age 18 and over that have Facebook accounts... the potential business you can generate on this site is staggering!
Don't underestimate the power of Facebook for getting traffic to your website... I've used Facebook extensively and personally do over 30,000 visitors/day to one of my websites just from Facebook traffic alone.
8. They may be losing marketshare to Facebook, but they still have immense amounts of traffic -- Myspace!
This is another incredibly effective method of finding your exact customers that are interested in your business.
You'll learn the simple techniques for using Myspace traffic to target your exact customer demographics and geographic area. Although Myspace is losing ground to the popularity of Facebook, there are still over 80 Million people in the US alone that have Myspace accounts.
I've used Myspace for traffic generation for about 8 months now, and the traffic is IMMENSE that you can pull in from this site! One of the reasons for this is that most advertisers don't even realize that you can do self-serve ads on Myspace.
I'll show you the secrets I've used to pull in over 10,000 visitors/day to one of my websites with just Myspace traffic alone.
9. The Unexpected Power of Craigslist Traffic (a hidden gem)
Just wait until you see the secret that my business partner used to grow his kitchen cabinet business to over $240,000/month using mostly the power of Craigslist traffic!
Many business owners have tried to use Craigslist to generate business and FAILED to get more than 1 or 2 customers (if they get any customers at all). However, Gary discovered several "underground" methods that he used to turn Craigslist into a customer-producing cash-cow! This is an exciting and under-used method of serious traffic generation for your business.
10. Can Ebay really be used to get traffic to almost any type of website? You bet!
A few months ago, we discovered this surprising way to use Ebay to pull in some of the highest quality customers to your website and business. Most business owners and even some of the brightest internet marketers have no clue that this "loophole" even exists for getting Ebay traffic...
HINT: you don't have to actually sell an item through an auction on Ebay -- you can simply get people to go right to your website, even if you're not selling anything directly on Ebay. Pretty cool huh!
This is a fully legal ad method on Ebay, but almost nobody knows this secret. We'll show you how to do this sneaky little method of Ebay traffic in the course.
11. How to siphon off some of the massive traffic that Youtube gets and send those visitors to your website
You may have thought that Youtube was nothing but a big jumbled mess of stupid humor videos... But what most business owners don't realize is that Youtube can be used to generate big web traffic to your business (whether your business is national, international, or just local)... either way, Youtube can be an extremely powerful marketing tool to add to your arsenal.
You do realize that Youtube has Millions of visitors per DAY!
And youtube videos show up frequently on the first page of google search rankings for lots of typical queries (that gives "service + city" business owners a killer method of showing up once again on the first page of google for their chosen keyword searches).
We'll show you the 5 important factors that you MUST know if you want to stand a chance at making Youtube videos work for your business.
FYI - you DON'T have to be a comedian to have a successful video on Youtube that pulls in customers to your business.
Those are 11 of the top secret internet marketing strategies that we'll show you step-by-step how to apply to your small business to explode your revenues and achieve financial freedom. But we have more for you...
As a bonus, we'll even show you h ow to use Email marketing to potentially double your small business revenue!
This is one of the most under-used internet marketing techiques that is overlooked by most small business owners. The Email marketing strategies that you'll learn in this course could possibly even double or triple your revenue by creating repeat customers.
And beyond that, we still have some additional marketing secrets in store for you in the course that I haven't mentioned here. You won't be disappointed!
For Both Beginners and Advanced Levels of Online Marketing for Small Businesses
We designed this course to help you increase your business whether you are a pure beginner to web marketing, or even if you're already an advanced marketer.
Make no mistake, if you're a beginner, we included some of the basics that you need to know such as choosing domain names (did you realize there actually is a strategy to choosing domains properly?), setting up hosting, website design, and all of those other "beginner" stages.
Approximately one-third of the course deals with beginner info to help you if you're at that stage.
However, the remaining two-thirds of the course deals with super-advanced online marketing strategies, high-end Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, advanced Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising methods, and all of the other 11 secret website traffic strategies that we outlined above.
But don't worry... even for the super-advanced online marketing techniques, we laid them out in simple step-by-step instructions inside the course that anyone can follow and implement successfully.
Since this course is brand new, and we just released it only 2 weeks ago, the reviews and testimonials are just starting to come in from business owners all over the US and in other countries as well.
Here are just a few of the small business owners that have sent us their opinions and reviews of the course thus far:
A colleague had mentioned this program to me and told me to read it and implement the ideas and instructions into our real estate website. I am not “IT” savvy; however, the instructions given to you in this book are put in very simple terms and with step by step instructions along with images and examples. Within a matter of weeks our site went from literally non-existent on Google to the top of the second page! We should be on the first page of Google any day now!
It was extremely easy to use and has generated a bunch of new traffic to our site which wouldn’t have normally come there had we not worked with the SEO properties. If you run a small business or even want to expand your business and generate more sales and you are not using your website to its fullest potential you seriously owe it to yourself to read this.
At the same time, there are a ton of advanced tips in there even for people who already advertise and would never have known some of these ways to get website traffic.
Mark English
On top of that you also learn new Internet marketing secrets that you won't learn anywhere else. I couldn't believe the ebay marketing trick that you guys described...very interesting stuff! And the method you described to get your ad right smack dab on a major news or TV station website for so cheap was incredible... I've never heard any marketers talk about that stuff before (probably because most marketers don't know how to do that).
-Virgil Aponte, Brooklyn, NY
Hey Michael and Gary, Gary and Michael, Great job! This guide covers every aspect of internet marketing in detail. As a web developer, I was still able to learn many new things about search engine optimization and website exposure in general. There were even quite a few marketing details in there that I never considered before. This really is an excellent reference for any business owners to improve their web marketing campaign.
Phil LaNasa |
So what is the investment in this course?
Now that you've heard all of the incredibly powerful web traffic and internet marketing secrets you'll discover in this program, you are probably thinking... How much of an investment is this course?
Most marketing courses that I've personally purchased over the last couple of years have been in the price range of $500 to $2,000... and Gary and I charge $650/hour for one-on-one hourly consulting.
Usually, if I can find at least 1 or 2 "golden nuggets" in each course that I purchase, those golden nuggets can sometimes give me ideas that help me to make 10x to 100x the initial investment I made in the course.
My personal guarantee to you is that if you try out this course and actually implement at least 2 of the 11 major techniques that we are going to show you, it will make you back at least 10x to 100x or more of your initial investement .
Although the "going rate" for many of these internet marketing courses is between $500 to $2,000, we wanted to make this course affordable and a great value for every business owner to help grow your business to entirely new levels.
For that reason, we've decided to offer this course for the incredible value of only $279 !
Important Note: Since we're still compiling the bonus package for this course, we've decided to discount the price from $279 to only $197 for a couple more days.
So grab this now...because you could come back in a couple days and the price could be back to the standard price.
Just think... even gaining just 1 or 2 new customers from these powerful techiques that we are going to show you could easily pay you back for the investment in this course. After that, it's all PROFIT in your favor!
Click here to Download the Course and Invest Wisely in Your Business
If you have any questions regarding this course, or are still not sure if it's right for you, please feel free to contact us at:
contact [at] (be sure to replace the [at] with @).
To your success,
Michael Geary & Gary Nealon
Internet Marketing Expert Consultants
- Stop wasting time and money advertising your business in all of the wrong places, or worse yet, not advertising at all! We all now know that the internet is the present & future of how almost all of your customers will find your business. Your business will be left in the dust in these new times if you don't know how to harness the power of the internet.
Start today and arm yourself with the knowledge and simple step-by-step plan to explode your business and achieve financial freedom for you and your family.
Click here to download the course and invest in skyrocketing your business to new levels
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